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What is a Timestamping Token? Technical Explanation

Reading time: 7 min
Publication date: 23 May 2024
Modification date: 16 mai 2024

In the digital age, data integrity and authenticity have become paramount concerns. As businesses and individuals rely more on digital records and transactions, the need for reliable methods of verifying the creation and existence of electronic data becomes crucial. Timestamping solutions provide a robust mechanism to address these challenges, offering a secure and verifiable means of data authentication.

definition timestamping token


Evidency specialises in offering timestamping solutions that ensure the integrity, authenticity, and legal validity of digital data. In this article, we will delve into the technical aspects of Timestamping tokens and explore how Evidency’s Qualified Timestamping solution plays a vital role in securing and verifying data.

Understanding Timestamping tokens: a technical overview

Timestamping involves assigning an accurate and tamper-evident timestamp to a specific piece of data. This Timestamping serves as an irrefutable proof of the data’s existence at a particular point in time. Evidency’s Timestamping solution leverages cryptographic algorithms and secure servers to generate timestamp tokens that enable secure and verifiable data authentication.

To understand Timestamping tokens, it is important to explore their key components and how they contribute to the reliability and integrity of the Timestamping process. In the following sections, we will delve into the components of a timestamp token, including the cryptographic hash, the timestamp itself, and the additional metadata that enriches the token’s verifiability.

By understanding these technical aspects, we can grasp the significance of Timestamping tokens and how they enable businesses and individuals to establish trust in their digital records. Furthermore, we will explore the verification process that ensures the authenticity and integrity of timestamped data, providing a robust mechanism for legal and technical applications.

The components of a Timestamping token

Un Timestamping token comprend plusieurs éléments clés, chacun contribuant à sa fiabilité et à son intégrité. Examinons ces composants en détail:

Cryptographic Hash

The cryptographic hash function is a fundamental component of a Timestamping token. It generates a unique and irreversible hash value for the original data. The hash function, such as SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit), takes the input data and produces a fixed-size output called the hash digest. Even a slight change in the input data, no matter how small, will result in a significantly different hash. This property makes it virtually impossible to tamper with the Timestamping token without detection. The cryptographic hash ensures the integrity of the data associated with the timestamp token.


The timestamp represents the precise moment when the timestamp token is created. It serves as a reference point for verifying the data’s existence at a specific time. The timestamp is typically recorded in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format, which provides a standardized global time reference. By including the timestamp in the token, Evidency’s Timestamping solution captures the exact time when the data is timestamped, adding a temporal dimension to the authentication process. The timestamp helps establish the chronological order of events and provides essential context when verifying the authenticity and integrity of the data.


Additional metadata may be included in the Timestamping token to enhance its usefulness and verifiability. This metadata can vary depending on the specific requirements and purpose of the timestamping process. Common metadata elements include:

  • File Name: The name of the file or document being timestamped. This information helps identify the data associated with the timestamp token.
  • File Size: The size of the file or document, expressed in bytes or a similar unit. Storing the file size in the timestamp token enables comparison with the actual file size during verification, ensuring the integrity of the data.
  • Hash Algorithm: The cryptographic hash algorithm used to generate the hash digest. Including this information in the token ensures transparency and enables future verification processes to utilize the appropriate algorithm.
  • Certificate Information: Timestamp tokens can also include digital certificates that provide additional information about the timestamping authority, such as the public key used for cryptographic operations or the issuer’s identity. This information helps establish trust and further enhances the credibility of the timestamp token.

By combining these components, Evidency’s timestamping solution creates a comprehensive timestamp token that encapsulates the data’s integrity, the timestamp of its creation, and additional metadata for verification purposes. These components work in harmony to provide a secure and verifiable proof of data existence at a specific point in time.

Remember, Timestamping tokens are crucial for legal and technical applications, providing a robust mechanism for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of digital data. Evidency’s reliable Timestamping solution, built on industry best practices and cryptographic standards, empowers businesses and individuals to trust their digital records, transactions, and intellectual property by leveraging the power of timestamp tokens.

Verifying Timestamping tokens

Once a timestamp token is generated, it can be independently verified to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the associated data. Evidency’s timestamping solution provides a user-friendly verification process, allowing individuals and organizations to validate the timestamp token with ease.

To verify a timestamp token, the original data is hashed again using the same cryptographic algorithm. The resulting hash is then compared to the hash stored in the token. If the two hashes match, it confirms that the data has not been tampered with since the timestamp token was created.

Furthermore, the timestamp within the token is compared to a trusted time source, ensuring the accuracy of the recorded time. By combining these checks, Evidency’s timestamping solution provides robust evidence of the data’s integrity and existence at a specific moment.

Timestamping tokens play a vital role in ensuring data integrity and authenticity in the digital world. With Evidency’s timestamping solution, businesses and individuals can rely on secure and verifiable data authentication.

By leveraging cryptographic algorithms and robust verification mechanisms, Timestamping tokens provide a tamper-evident proof of data existence, enabling legal and technical applications across various industries.


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About the author

Rémi Blancher
Rémi est Chief Product Officer chez Evidency. Auparavant, il a été Responsable R&D et Directeur de l'Innovation chez ATOS IDnomic, cumulant ainsi plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans les domaines de la confiance numérique et de la cybersécurité.

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